How to setup Alarm Email?


1.IPC ClooudSEE2.0

Access the IPC web interface. Login with username and password. Go to Network then Advanced. Input the Sender Email, SMTP Server, Username, password, SMTP Port, Encryption and Recipient Email addresses. Once you input all these information, agree privacy statement then click Test Email button. If the settings are correct, you will receive a success notification.


2.IPC CloudSEE1.0

Access the IPC by Internet Explorer. Login with username and password. Click on System Config on the top of the main page, the IPC menu will open. (Please make sure you install the Web plugin and enabled the ActiveX controls.) Or access the IPC settings by clicking the Remote Setup in the VMS-6100 to access the IPC menu, the IPC menu will open. Click Alarm button and then click Alarm Parameter tab. Tick Alarm Enable and then input the Sender Email, SMTP Server, Username, password, SMTP Port, Encryption and Recipient Email addresses. Once you input all these information, click Email Test button. If the settings are correct, you will receive a success notification.



3.NVR CloudSEE2.0

Right click on the video preview screen and select Main Menu. Login with username and password. Then click Network icon. 


Click Email and input all the necessary information and then click the icon under Test. If the settings are correct, you will receive a success notification.


For SMTP information, you should check the email provider website. Each email providers SMTP server information is different. For the sender email password, you cannot use your own email password. You should create App Password in your account settings. Your email provider generate a random password and you should use that password in the device. For more information, please visit your email service provider website.

4.NVR CloudSEE1.0

Right click on the video preview screen and select System Setup. Login with username and password. Then click Alarm and then Email. Input all the necessary information and then click Mail Testing button. If the settings are correct, you will receive a success notification.


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